Sangomas have a deep belief in their traditional customs and indigenous belief systems. Our culture performs many different ceremonies to honour our Ancestors, request healing from specific Ancestors for different ailments, mark life changes and for rites of passage (such as naming ceremonies) and to connect to the them.
Both the Zulu and the Xhosa Tribes work with the Ancestors of the seas, rivers, bushes, mountains and caves. Each Ancestor holds specific powers that are called on for healing.
We ceremony with the Sea Ancestors when life is very complicated, everything is going wrong and no matter what you do nothing improves. These Ancestors grant us more power to surge forward.
The River Ancestors ceremony is for cleansing, helps us with deep-seeded emotions that are stuck (e.g. grief, etc.), ask our Ancestors for forgiveness and to communicate to the Children Ancestors.
We call on the Bush (Forest) or Mountain Ancestors for protection, these Ancestors are strong and represent the Hunter. Here we also honour any Ancestors that passed over in an accident.
The Cave Ancestors are very powerful, in Africa they are the Bushman. This ceremony is mostly for Sangoma’s and fellow Healers. It’s where we go to receive our visions and understand what muti (herbal medicine, healing) we need to further our growth and next steps.
As a Sangoma I have the gift to perform these ceremonies for my clients. We start working on dream work to see where the ceremony needs to take place and together we map out the ceremony. We meet on site at the agreed date and time (ideally very early morning), I bring certain muti and gifts for your Ancestors (as do you, a list will be provided) and I perform the ceremony.
Ideally ceremonies are in-person appointments, but in some situations (upon assessment) distance sessions can take place.
A Baby Naming Ceremony is a celebration of family and life. In this ceremony we celebrate birth, officially welcome baby to the parents & siblings and acknowledge children are the greatest gift. A baby comes into this world bringing a renewed life and the gift of hope for all of us, who have the honour of sharing in the innocence and delight of their spirit. It’s a unique and special way to welcome them into a loving and compassionate family.
Each Ceremony is tailor made to parents and Ancestors request
Book A Ceremony:
Cost upon request (tailor made to Ancestors request)