Janine is dedicated to her calling to bring traditional training and protocols to the western world. She is following her calling by working alongside her Zulu and Xhosa Tribes in initiation, back home in the Townships of South Africa, to return to Ireland to share her continued growth and wisdom across the world.
Her and William support her Elders in the Townships through hardship by providing food vouchers. Janine often has to return home to South Africa to join her Tribes to continue her Initiations with the Ancestors so she may carry on spreading the word. In the background Janine and William are renovating a piece of their land to create the School of Initiations & Wisdom Teachings, where clients can safely stay and take their ceremonies with themselves and their Ancestors even deeper. These all cost a great amount of time and money.
If you have been touched by Janine’s work and would like to contribute to helping spread her message, please consider donating. Donations will be used to help pay for her expenses and support her work in South Africa. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.