Candle Magick:
This teaching follows the African methods of understanding the laws of practice, candle colours, candle magick practice for yourself and your clients and reading the flames.
Candle magick easy to learn but powerful tool as it harnesses the power of fire (the element of transformation to bring in change). You only have to think about how fire brings in change by lighting up the dark, warming up the cold and transforming wood, bones and leave to ash.
Wool Magick:
This teaching follows the African methods of understanding the laws of practice, wool colours and wool magick practice for yourself and your clients.
The ancient traditional practice of weaving and braiding have been important aspects within magickal craft and ceremony. From the moment you start to braid the wool you are adding the spells and creating your magick. The wool bracelet is then worn for protection, for healing, for connection to the Ancestors and for pregnancy.
The method of braiding itself is a fantastic way of allowing your mind to relax.
Working with a Sangoma

Learning with a Sangoma