Living Intuitively Part 3: Ask your Intuition
This course was channelled and birthed during the energy of the Solar Eclipse. It was shown to me as never before have we needed to trust ourselves (our intuition) and follow our own compass.
Gentle Warrior

Many are looking externally and following too many influencers, etc. for answers, but this leads to confusion and conflicting information.
and are tired of hearing “the answers are within”. The
You may be tired of hearing “the answers are within you”, but it’s true and the only thing you are missing is HOW TO UNLOCK THAT WISDOM. That is what I’m going to share with you and we will practice together.
I will teach you protocols and with my guidance you will practice receiving answers. We will cover:
* Intuition Fundamentals (your protocols)
* Intuition Boosters (enhancing your intuition)
* Intuitive Guidance and Answers

These are methods and protocols that I personally use to communicate successfully with my Intuition.
Gentle Warrior